Understanding the endpoints

This page explains how to interact with the endpoints that come with report builder. It may be useful if you are extending report builder or creating your own front end.

Initial path from root: /report_builder/api/

Get all reports:

/report_builder/api/report GET

Sample response:

        "id": 1,
        "name": "trial",
        "modified": "2015-06-08",
        "root_model": 19,
        "root_model_name": "account",
        "displayfield_set": [
                "id": 33,
                "path": "orders__",
                "path_verbose": "order",
                "field": "dropbox_url",
                "field_verbose": "dropbox url",
                "name": "dropbox_url",
                "sort": null,
                "sort_reverse": false,
                "width": 15,
                "aggregate": "",
                "position": 0,
                "total": false,
                "group": false,
                "report": 1,
                "display_format": null,
                "field_type": "CharField"
            ... etc ...
        "distinct": false,
        "user_created": 328,
        "user_modified": null,
        "filterfield_set": [
                "id": 16,
                "path": "account__",
                "path_verbose": "account",
                "field": "id",
                "field_verbose": "ID",
                "field_type": "AutoField",
                "filter_type": "gt",
                "filter_value": "1",
                "filter_value2": "",
                "exclude": false,
                "position": 0,
                "report": 1
        "report_file": null,
        "report_file_creation": null
    ... etc ...

New report:

/report_builder/api/report POST with data

  • name
  • description (not required)
  • root_model

Sample request:

  "name": "c",
  "description": "d",
  "root_model": "33"

Sample response:

    "id": 18,
    "name": "c",
    "modified": "2015-06-08",
    "root_model": 33,
    "root_model_name": "Account",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 328,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null

Get report:

/report_builder/api/report/<id> GET

sample response where = 17:

    "id": 17,
    "name": "gg",
    "modified": "2015-06-08",
    "root_model": 33,
    "root_model_name": "Account",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 328,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null

Get related fields (to a model):

/report_builder/api/related_fields/ POST with data

Sample request:

    "model": 33,
    "path": "",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": ""

Sample response:

        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "account_masterrecord_set",
        "model_id": 33,
        "field_name": "account_masterrecord_set",
        "path": ""
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "account_parent_set",
        "model_id": 33,
        "field_name": "account_parent_set",
        "path": ""
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "accountcontactrole_set",
        "model_id": 33,
        "field_name": "accountcontactrole",
        "path": ""
    ... etc ...

Get fields (of a model):

/report_builder/api/fields POST with data

Sample request:

    "model": 33,
    "path": "",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": ""

Sample response:

        "field_type": "CharField",
        "name": "account_manager",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "account_manager",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "Account Manager"
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "name": "account_rank",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "account_rank",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "Account Rank"
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "name": "account_source",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "account_source",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "Account Source"
    ... etc ...

Save report:

/report_builder/api/report/<id> PUT with data:

Sample request (when model is Account, and adding Billing City):

more fields that you add such as Billing City, website means that it goes into displayfield_set.

    "id": 18,
    "name": "c",
    "modified": "2015-06-08",
    "root_model": 33,
    "root_model_name": "Account",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "field_type": "CharField",
            "name": "billing_city",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "billing_city",
            "help_text": "",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "Billing City",
            "report": 18,
            "position": 0
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 328,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null,
    "lastSaved": null

Suppose I add website with Billing City then the displayfield_set becomes:

"displayfield_set": [
        "field_type": "DateTimeField",
        "name": "system_modstamp",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "system_modstamp",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "System Modstamp",
        "report": 22,
        "position": 0
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "name": "website",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "website",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "Website",
        "report": 22,
        "position": 1

Sample response:

    "id": 18,
    "name": "c",
    "modified": "2015-06-08",
    "root_model": 33,
    "root_model_name": "Account",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 37,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "billing_city",
            "field_verbose": "Billing City",
            "name": "billing_city",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 18,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "CharField"
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 328,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null

Generate report data:

report_builder/api/report/<id>/generate/ GET

Sample response:

    "meta": {
        "titles": [
    "data": [
            "Mountain view"
        ... etc ...

Add DisplayFields to a report

report_builder/api/report/<id> PUT

Sample request:

If your previous response from when you did a GET on report_builder/api/report/<id> was:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

If you want to add a displayfield_set then the request for the PUT to add the displayfield_set is:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "field_type": "AutoField",
            "name": "id",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "help_text": "",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "report": 2,
            "position": 1
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z",
    "lastSaved": "2015-06-24T19:55:43.693Z"

It will give you a response like:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 75,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

And to add another field to the displayfield_set:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 75,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
            "field_type": "Property",
            "name": "i_want_char_field",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "i_want_char_field",
            "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
            "report": 2,
            "position": 1,
            "can_filter": true,
            "field_choices": true,
            "is_default": true
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z",
    "lastSaved": "2015-06-24T20:31:54.887Z"

The response to that PUT would be:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 76,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
            "id": 77,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "i_want_char_field",
            "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
            "name": "i_want_char_field",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 1,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "Property"
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

Where do you get the details to add? When you do a POST to get the /fields and it gives you back the information you get this:

        "field_type": "AutoField",
        "name": "id",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "id",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "ID"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field_choices": true,
        "is_default": true
        "field_type": "Property",
        "name": "i_want_char_field",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "i_want_char_field",
        "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field_choices": true,
        "is_default": true
  ... etc ...

You literally take one of those elements and append it to the displayfield_set array, and PUT it back. Now we have to deal with custom field elements.

"displayfield_set": [
        "id": 37,
        "path": "",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "id",
        "field_verbose": "ID",
        "name": "id",
        "sort": null,
        "sort_reverse": false,
        "width": 15,
        "aggregate": "",
        "position": 0,
        "total": false,
        "group": false,
        "report": 2,
        "display_format": null,
        "field_type": "AutoField"

The field displayfield_set is a little different from filterfield_set, which we will look at next.

Ignore the fields total, and group, and always set them as false. Whenever you do a PUT it will give you back a response, and you should always just replace your current report json (that you have saved) with the response.

Fields specific to displayfield_set are:

fields = ('id', 'path', 'path_verbose', 'field', 'field_verbose',
      'name', 'sort', 'sort_reverse', 'width', 'aggregate',
         'position', 'total', 'group', 'report', 'display_format',
read_only_fields = ('id')

For the displayfield_set you initially only need:

    "field_type": "Property",
    "name": "i_want_char_field",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": "i_want_char_field",
    "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
    "path": "",
    "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
    "report": 2,
    "position": 1

Fields gives you:

  "field_type": "Property",
  "name": "i_want_char_field",
  "path_verbose": "",
  "field": "i_want_char_field",
  "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
  "path": "",
  "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
  "can_filter": true,
  "field_choices": true,
  "is_default": true

So the only difference in fields is: report and position. The position can just be calculated by looking at the length of the displayfield_set before adding this element and then adding one. The report is the ID of the report.

This is only in the initial PUT when they add things. If they have customized settings before they save then you have to add new detials.

They can edit:

'name', 'sort', 'sort_reverse', 'width', 'aggregate', 'position'

sort is an integer. If you have 3 columns a, b, c the sort integer for each is the importance of which is sorted first. So if the sort for c is 1 then it will get sorted first, and then b, and then c.

People can rename columns using name rather than the default names.

sort_reverse is obvious. Could be useful for things like DateTimeField.

Leave aggregate for now.

position is important if you want to rearrange them.

You can PUT fields can_filter, field_choices, is_default alongside everything else. They just will dissapear in the response so keep them safe somewhere else.

Adding external fields from other models to the report

THIS ONLY WORKS FOR ONE LEVEL DEEP If you're trying to go beyond the one level I will update the documentation soon. Right now if you're at Order it could only go to models directly having an association with Order.

The same procedure here as the one above, but the way to get the /fields/ is very different. This is only because it adds on a path variable on the object.

So from the information that you have in your current report you know that the root_model is 9 (for example).

To get all the fields that are in that current model make a request to /related_fields with POST:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": ""

It would give a response like this:

        "model_id": 9,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "foos",
        "field_name": "foos",
        "parent_model_name": "foos"

These are the fields that are in the model (with the id 9) that have some kind of relationship with an external model.

If you want to get the fields for the field_name foos, which is related to the parent_model_name foos then you would do:

A POST on /related_fields with the data:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "field": "foos"

Where the model is the ID of the root_model, and the field is the field_name that you get above. (Stupid inconsistency even in naming)

This would give you back all the fields (not related_fields as well) for the model foos.

        "can_filter": true,
        "field": "char_field2",
        "help_text": "",
        "field_choices": [],
        "name": "char_field2",
        "path_verbose": "foo",
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "is_default": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "field_verbose": "char field2"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field": "char_field",
        "help_text": "",
        "field_choices": [],
        "name": "char_field",
        "path_verbose": "foo",
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "is_default": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "field_verbose": "char field"
  ... etc ...

Notice that they have now added a path. This is important when you're adding things to displayfield_set. You can just append these to displayfield_set array and they would work.

To get the /related_fields you do the same thing.

You do a POST on the related_fields end-point using the data:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "field": "foos"

The data to get the data is exactly the same as /fields.

The data it gives you back is:

        "model_id": 7,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "bar_set",
        "field_name": "bar",
        "parent_model_name": "bar"
        "model_id": 7,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "fooexclude",
        "field_name": "fooexclude",
        "parent_model_name": "fooexclude"

Notice that now they have added a path.

Add DisplayFields to a report

report_builder/api/report/<id> PUT

Sample request:

If your previous response from when you did a GET on report_builder/api/report/<id> was:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

If you want to add a displayfield_set then the request for the PUT to add the displayfield_set is:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "field_type": "AutoField",
            "name": "id",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "help_text": "",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "report": 2,
            "position": 1
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z",
    "lastSaved": "2015-06-24T19:55:43.693Z"

It will give you a response like:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 75,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

And to add another field to the displayfield_set:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 75,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
            "field_type": "Property",
            "name": "i_want_char_field",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "i_want_char_field",
            "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
            "report": 2,
            "position": 1,
            "can_filter": true,
            "field_choices": true,
            "is_default": true
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z",
    "lastSaved": "2015-06-24T20:31:54.887Z"

The response to that PUT would be:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "sssf",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-24",
    "root_model": 9,
    "root_model_name": "bar",
    "displayfield_set": [
            "id": 76,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "id",
            "field_verbose": "ID",
            "name": "id",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 0,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "AutoField"
            "id": 77,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "i_want_char_field",
            "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
            "name": "i_want_char_field",
            "sort": null,
            "sort_reverse": false,
            "width": 15,
            "aggregate": "",
            "position": 1,
            "total": false,
            "group": false,
            "report": 2,
            "display_format": null,
            "field_type": "Property"
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 1,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": "http://localhost:8080/media/report_files/sssf_9c8XUkg.xlsx",
    "report_file_creation": "2015-06-23T17:14:23.727217Z"

Where do you get the details to add? When you do a POST to get the /fields and it gives you back the information you get this:

        "field_type": "AutoField",
        "name": "id",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "id",
        "help_text": "",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "ID"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field_choices": true,
        "is_default": true
        "field_type": "Property",
        "name": "i_want_char_field",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "i_want_char_field",
        "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
        "path": "",
        "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field_choices": true,
        "is_default": true
  ... etc ...

You literally take one of those elements and append it to the displayfield_set array, and PUT it back. Now we have to deal with custom field elements.

"displayfield_set": [
        "id": 37,
        "path": "",
        "path_verbose": "",
        "field": "id",
        "field_verbose": "ID",
        "name": "id",
        "sort": null,
        "sort_reverse": false,
        "width": 15,
        "aggregate": "",
        "position": 0,
        "total": false,
        "group": false,
        "report": 2,
        "display_format": null,
        "field_type": "AutoField"

The field displayfield_set is a little different from filterfield_set, which we will look at next.

Ignore the fields total, and group, and always set them as false. Whenever you do a PUT it will give you back a response, and you should always just replace your current report json (that you have saved) with the response.

Fields specific to displayfield_set are:

fields = ('id', 'path', 'path_verbose', 'field', 'field_verbose',
      'name', 'sort', 'sort_reverse', 'width', 'aggregate',
         'position', 'total', 'group', 'report', 'display_format',
read_only_fields = ('id')

For the displayfield_set you initially only need:

    "field_type": "Property",
    "name": "i_want_char_field",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": "i_want_char_field",
    "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
    "path": "",
    "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
    "report": 2,
    "position": 1

Fields gives you:

  "field_type": "Property",
  "name": "i_want_char_field",
  "path_verbose": "",
  "field": "i_want_char_field",
  "help_text": "Adding this property will significantly increase the time it takes to run a report.",
  "path": "",
  "field_verbose": "i_want_char_field",
  "can_filter": true,
  "field_choices": true,
  "is_default": true

So the only difference in fields is: report and position. The position can just be calculated by looking at the length of the displayfield_set before adding this element and then adding one. The report is the ID of the report.

This is only in the initial PUT when they add things. If they have customized settings before they save then you have to add new details.

They can edit:

'name', 'sort', 'sort_reverse', 'width', 'aggregate', 'position'

sort is an integer. If you have 3 columns a, b, c the sort integer for each is the importance of which is sorted first. So if the sort for c is 1 then it will get sorted first, and then b, and then c.

People can rename columns using name rather than the default names.

sort_reverse is obvious. Could be useful for things like DateTimeField.

Leave aggregate for now.

position is important if you want to rearrange them.

You can PUT fields can_filter, field_choices, is_default alongside everything else. They just will dissapear in the response so keep them safe somewhere else.

Adding external fields from other models to the report

THIS ONLY WORKS FOR ONE LEVEL DEEP If you're trying to go beyond the one level I will update the documentation soon. Right now if you're at Order it could only go to models directly having an association with Order.

The same procedure here as the one above, but the way to get the /fields/ is very different. This is only because it adds on a path variable on the object.

So from the information that you have in your current report you know that the root_model is 9 (for example).

To get all the fields that are in that current model make a request to /related_fields with POST:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "path_verbose": "",
    "field": ""

It would give a response like this:

        "model_id": 9,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "foos",
        "field_name": "foos",
        "parent_model_name": "foos"

These are the fields that are in the model (with the id 9) that have some kind of relationship with an external model.

If you want to get the fields for the field_name foos, which is related to the parent_model_name foos then you would do:

A POST on /related_fields with the data:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "field": "foos"

Where the model is the ID of the root_model, and the field is the field_name that you get above. (Stupid inconsistency even in naming)

This would give you back all the fields (not related_fields as well) for the model foos.

        "can_filter": true,
        "field": "char_field2",
        "help_text": "",
        "field_choices": [],
        "name": "char_field2",
        "path_verbose": "foo",
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "is_default": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "field_verbose": "char field2"
        "can_filter": true,
        "field": "char_field",
        "help_text": "",
        "field_choices": [],
        "name": "char_field",
        "path_verbose": "foo",
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "is_default": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "field_verbose": "char field"
  ... etc ...

Notice that they have now added a path. This is important when you're adding things to displayfield_set. You can just append these to displayfield_set array and they would work.

To get the /related_fields you do the same thing.

You do a POST on the related_fields end-point using the data:

    "model": 9,
    "path": "",
    "field": "foos"

The data to get the data is exactly the same as /fields.

The data it gives you back is:

        "model_id": 7,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "bar_set",
        "field_name": "bar",
        "parent_model_name": "bar"
        "model_id": 7,
        "parent_model_app_label": false,
        "included_model": true,
        "path": "foos__",
        "help_text": "",
        "verbose_name": "fooexclude",
        "field_name": "fooexclude",
        "parent_model_name": "fooexclude"

Notice that now they have added a path. HOWEVER: here it gives you back a new model_id that you need to use for all the levels below.

Second level

Take the new model_id, and path that we get from one of the fields in related_fields, and now we have to use that. Basically the new model_id represents the model_id of the model Foo. We started off with the model Bar and the field foos that was a ManyToMany relationship with Foo. Now that we have gotten the related_fields of the model Foo, we also get the model_id of it.

Now we're in the territory of getting details of the model FooExclude. We have to append the path variable because we have to keep into consideration that we're adding this to the report, and the report has a base of Bar. So now we're looking into the /fields of FooExclude, which is one of the models in /related_field of Foo.

    "model": 7,
    "path": "foos__",
    "field": "fooexclude"

So you append the path that we had earlier. In this way as deep as we go down we'll just keep appending the path variable.

The response you get from that is:

        "can_filter": true,
        "field": "char_field",
        "help_text": "",
        "field_choices": [],
        "name": "char_field",
        "path_verbose": "fooexclude",
        "field_type": "CharField",
        "is_default": true,
        "path": "foos__fooexclude__",
        "field_verbose": "char field"

So now we can see that the path variable has had even more additions.

Add FilterFields to a report

report_builder/api/report/<id> PUT

Sample request:

If your previous response from when you did a GET on report_builder/api/report/<id> was:

The normal report:

    "id": 14,
    "name": "apples",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-30",
    "root_model": 19,
    "root_model_name": "account",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 338,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [],
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null

Adding to the filterfield_set array is the same as adding to the displayfield_set array. When you add a filterfield_set you need the following:

There are certain fields that cannot be blank.

You have to set a filter type, and a value for that filter type for each filter field.

So if I add a field the request would be:

    "id": 14,
    "name": "apples",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-30",
    "root_model": 19,
    "root_model_name": "account",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 338,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [
            "is_default": false,
            "field": "industry",
            "can_filter": true,
            "field_choices": [],
            "name": "industry",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field_type": "CharField",
            "help_text": "",
            "path": "",
            "field_verbose": "industry",
            "report": 14,
            "filter_type": "exact",
            "filter_value": "CPG",
            "position": 0
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null,
    "lastSaved": null

Where you would take the values you get from the /fields request you made to get that field, and add a couple more fields into it:

  "is_default": false,
  "field": "industry",
  "can_filter": true,
  "field_choices": [],
  "name": "industry",
  "path_verbose": "",
  "field_type": "CharField",
  "help_text": "",
  "path": "",
  "field_verbose": "industry",
  "report": 14,
  "filter_type": "exact",
  "filter_value": "CPG",
  "position": 0

filter_value, and filter_type have to be there or the request will fail.

The response will be:

    "id": 14,
    "name": "apples",
    "description": "",
    "modified": "2015-06-30",
    "root_model": 19,
    "root_model_name": "account",
    "displayfield_set": [],
    "distinct": false,
    "user_created": 338,
    "user_modified": null,
    "filterfield_set": [
            "id": 21,
            "path": "",
            "path_verbose": "",
            "field": "industry",
            "field_verbose": "industry",
            "field_type": "CharField",
            "filter_type": "exact",
            "filter_value": "CPG",
            "filter_value2": "",
            "exclude": false,
            "position": 0,
            "report": 14
    "report_file": null,
    "report_file_creation": null

The filter_types that are possible are returned when you do an OPTIONS on /filterfields/. The exact are there is the field filter_type. You have to use one of those values as the filter_type.

Exporting using xlsx

Reports will download either directly or asynchronously. This is defined by REPORT_BUILDER_ASYNC_REPORT in settings.py

Request a report by making a GET request to /report_builder/report/<id>/download_file/xlsx/ (or /csv/)

When async is false - the response will be the actual xlsx or csv file.

When async is true - the GET request triggers a celery task to process the report. The response will be:

    "task_id": "feef7db6-fe8c-4a81-8dea-ca67d393674d"

task_id is the celery task id which can be used to check when the task is finished (or errored).

Check the status of a report with /report_builder/report/<report_id>/check_status/<task_id>/